Float On Art Gallery

featuring artists that float

Currently Featured Artist

Caroline Qureshi


Artist Statement:

I rediscovered my creative side a few years ago after ignoring it for much of my adult life. Acrylics were my gateway medium….but eventually found my true love to be ink in the form of drawing and printmaking

Creating helps me process complex emotions and maintain contact with the present moment…helps get me out of my head and into my body…in short it keeps me sane. Every mark on the page is a released emotion that might otherwise remain trapped indefinitely, and each piece is an expression of my inner world. I live in Portland, Oregon, and despite what I am doing at any given moment, part of my mind is always thinking about what the next drawing will be.

About Our Gallery

Conceived in 2011, Float On’s art gallery is located in our shop has one exhibition room, and is open nearly 24hrs / day.


The displayed art is exclusively by local floaters, with a new original piece featured each month.

Become a Gallery Artist

2 + 10 =

Previous Artists

Other Artists

FAQs for Visitors

How often does the art rotate?

Once per month.

When is the gallery open for viewing?

Monday: 7am-11am Tuesday-Sunday: Open 24 Hours

How many pieces does the gallery hold?

11-13 larger pieces, 13-15 medium pieces, or 15-17 smaller pieces

FAQs for Artists

What is your gallery traffic like?

Being as the gallery is located in our float center, we get a lot of crossover foot traffic.  Aside from the gallery, we run 1200 floats a month, and are located in the heart of the SE on Hawthorne Blvd. The shop has large windows facing the street, so the art is visible 24/7 from the sidewalk.

What mediums do you accept in the gallery?

Anything that can be hung vertically by our wire/hook track system. Please do not include any fresh/wet oil pieces.

What is your commission rate?

We only charge a 5% commission!! This basically just covers credit processing charges.

What about the original piece?

Along with the process of being a gallery exhibitor, you will be given 4 float sessions in exchange for one original float inspired piece after completing your float sessions.  It will also be hung in the gallery for the duration of the month. After your month is over the original, float inspired piece will belong to Float On to be appreciated for ages to come.

What is your transport policy?

The gallery artist is completely responsible for all transport of gallery pieces.

Do I have to sign a contract?

Yes, there is a basic contract involved, but it is painless.